Practical Joke on RA

Practical Joke #3

Contributor: Jeong Seo
Informant: Illa
Title: Practical joke on RA
Sem/yr: Spring 2005

Illa: “There is a guy whose name is Kirk. He was the RA (resident Assistant) of my floor. Guys in my floor didn’t like him that much because he was too strict and inflexible. At the end of his year, those guys planed a prank on him. While one of the guys took him for a dinner, other guys broke into Kirk’s room through the ceiling and hided his number one treasure, his new laptop. They just simply put that in the drawer of Kirk’s desk and put bunches of crumpled news papers. When Kirk came back and saw his room, he almost cried. I cannot ever forget his face expression. He thought his laptop was stolen. Although finding it in his drawer after few minutes, he was upset. Kirk argued with the guy who took his dinner about the matter and whether he was involved in that prank or not. Kirk finally called campus police to try to scare his floor guys. It was pretty fun, but not a good ending.”

This joke occurred at the Warren Hall in the University of Indianapolis in 2003. My interviewee said that this prank is purely created by his friend on his floor. He didn’t know how his friend came up with the idea, but he though it was brilliant. He figured out how to get into the AI’s room and how to distract Kirk’s attention from the floor guys preparing for the practical joke. The folk group was 2nd floor guys and most of times males. I would name the category of this practical joke “prank to RA.” Bad relationship between RA and floor guys caused this kind of joke. Sometime it has been done to express their friendship especially when RA leaves the dorm due to expiration of his term. There are a lot of ways to play a joke on floor assistance. I guess this is one of the ways which Warren hall 2nd floor guys invented to give their AI hard time. It is very traditional for dorm students. But, I think the joke went too far at some points.

I modified the picture from < pre-pc%20geek/>