Radio Station Art4

Picture 4:
Title: Radio Station Art
Collector’s Name: Unknown
Collection Location: IU Folklore Archives in the IU Archives in Wells Library.
Date Collected: 1990’s (?)
Genre: Music party art

Context: A WIUS flyer about a get together every Wednesday night from 11pm-2pm, which involves listening to some type of hip hop or rock music. It is also interesting that the flyer also has an image on the bottom right to help people plug their radio in to listen to the music.

Details: The whole form and structure of this flyer is different than most. There is a lot of intricate design in text and the main subject, the skeleton in the clown outfit. The font style of the text is very elaborate and almost hard to read if one is not close to it, thus bringing closer attention to the text; exactly what the skeleton says seems to already attract a certain type of audience. Also in this picture is the informational image to help the listeners properly connect to the radio. It is interesting that the flyer has this image, clearly meaning that it is an earlier flyer when the station was still new.