Radio Station Art6

Picture 5:
Title: Radio Station Art
Collector’s Name: Unknown
Collection Location: IU Folklore Archives in the IU Archives in Wells Library.
Date Collected: 1990’s (?)
Genre: Music party art

Context: This flyer is an WIUS product about a sponsored daily event. The images in the flyer seem to attract to the general population.

Details: This flyer is one of the new ones due to the fact that the entire flyer is made on a computer. The flyer was made in the later part of the 90’s when design technology was more available and cheap. The graphics still have the rock theme and also have the whole music aspect. The flyer still is aimed at music listeners but the content and the meaning of the flyer has changed from the typical rock and hip hop.

Meaning and Function of these materials:

The purpose of the flyers and the images on the flyers was to attract more people to the concert or to listen to the station. The personal drawings added to and attracted people at a personal and creative level. The personalizing of text styles and themes, and the colors, all add to and give character and expression to the flyers. The idea is to inform the viewer of the event, the location, the sponsor, and any other information required for the viewer to make a decision to come or not.

The meaning throughout the flyers is the same: come to listen to music and have fun with people who share the same taste. Of course each piece of art has a different theme and meaningful aspect but the concept is the same. Listening and being around good music of the time, which ranges from rock n roll to hip hop.