Radio Station Art2

Picture 2:
Title: Radio Station Art
Collector’s Name: Unknown
Collection Location: IU Folklore Archives in the IU Archives in Wells Library.
Date Collected: 1990’s (?)
Genre: Music party Art,

Context: There is a “Rock N Roll” junkyard party at some house. It is hard to determine the context but it says “10% off” on the bottom right corner so it is probably a fundraiser for a fraternity.

Details: The details in this picture are the creative images, all of which I am sure the organization that is sponsoring this even relates to. The two images on the top, the person laying on the ground, the little head sticking out, the rat, and the person at the bottom with his thumbs up all seem to represent some characteristic of probably the organizers. Also the material objects in the picture could represent the “rock n roll” music they will have at the party.