Beer Pong

This is Ellie

Game 1: Beer Pong

Informant: Brandon L.

Genre: The Party Scene

Sub-Genre: Drinking Games

Date Collected: April 7, 2008

I not only observed the drinking game of beer pong but I also interviewed one student on specific rules of the game. Beer Pong is an unofficial sport which tends to be popular among college students. I was told that there are variations of rules, usually depending on where the person is from. There is also another form of the game referred to as bay-root, but some say bay-root is an entirely different game altogether. From my interview, this is the standard list of rules I received:

20 cups, 2 ping pong balls, 4 players, ping pong table

• 10 cups, 2 players on each end of the table

• Cups are arranged in a pyramid shape, the base being at the edge of the table (4,3,2,1)

• The game starts off with one ball on each end, players look each other in the eyes and count to 3. On 3 they both throw a ball and the person who makes the cup starts off the game.

• 1 turn consists of each player throwing one ball. If the cup is made, the opposite team drinks it.

• 2 re-racks (diamond, diamond +1, bozo buckets, 3,2,1 triangle). No re-racks in the middle of a turn.

• Bouncing the ball is allowed, but on a bounce, the opposite team is allowed to swat or grab the ball before it lands in the cup

• If a bounce is made, opposite team must take two cups out of the formation.

• If both players make a cup during the same turn, a ‘send back’ takes place.

• In observing the game from my own perspective, I noticed that it is a relaxed game, but as players get more intoxicated, they become more rowdy. Frequent cheering took place as well as cursing. When all males were playing, the game seemed to be much more competitive, and when females were playing with males, the game seemed to be much more of a flirtatious interaction.

Context: This interview and observation took place at a house party on April 7th, 2008. I spoke with two male students on the general rules, but received the specific list from just one of them. I observed 2 male games and 2 female/male games. Beer Pong was a game I repeatedly saw at not only house parties, but also frat parties.