IU dorm banner

Item 2

IU dorm banner
Date Collection: Estimated 2000

This artifact is an advertisement for the Resident Hall Association, collected from one of the dorms here at IU. It seems to me that this was a banner created by seven members of the Residence Hall Association. I assume that maybe it was representing some sort of after school activity. From what I can gather, these members of the Resident Hall Association got together and created this banner. They probably did it to advertise who they were. I think their creative idea here was to make a mock banner of the “starting line up” banners you see for college basketball.

I think what is significant here is that the group is trying to communicate something to the community. Because they are an organization that helps the community, the group wants their name to be known by others. By creating this banner they are documenting their attempt to enrich the community with the awareness of their organization.