Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do more look like?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do more look like?

This copypasta originated on 4chan’s video game boards in response to a video showcasing The Conduit, a game for the Nintendo Wii. The original question prompted much discussion about what the original poster could have possibly tried to ask.

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The most noticeable thing about the composition of this copypasta is the absolute incoherence of the question being asked. The anonymous nature of 4chan prevents users from checking the post history of the original poster like one could on Reddit, meaning it is impossible to determine with certainty if this is the result of English being a non-native language for the poster.

Unlike the previous examples of copypastas, this one is neither vulgar nor inherently antagonistic. However, its original meaning has been lost. Now, it is used in internet forums to draw attention to someone posting something that doesn’t make sense. For instance, an article may be posted with the title “Does Bruno Mars is Gay?” and the comments will have “has anyone really been far…” as a response.

This is of importance because it is so different from the traditional composition and purpose of a copypasta, but it operates in the same fashion. Like other copypastas, however, it relies on interaction between individuals. It is also a response to outside stimulus by an in-group.