Comic created by Emily Hartsay, 1990s.

Item 4

Comic created by Emily Hartsay, 1990s.

This is a comic strip from a student zine. The creator of this comic was Emily Hartsay. The collector’s name is the Collins Column. This comic could have started out as a joke amongst friends, with the artist deciding to turn it into a comic. So a group of people might be the reason this whole comic strip came to be.

This is another artifact taken from the 90’s. You can tell it is from the 90’s because Cow and Chicken was a popular cartoon during the 90’s. Again the fact that it is hand drawn is a sign of the times. Today’s comics are mostly done with computers. The content of the comic is interesting because it’s stating an opinion that is to be shared by a large portion of the community. This comic being circulated is the same idea as a joke being spread by members of the community. Eventually everyone picks up on it and talks about it with each other. They are all laughing at the same thing together.