No Sturdy Ground

Title #3: No Sturdy Ground

(I interviewed my friend Abby Zale, a senior, regarding rumors that the library has been sinking since it was first erected on campus)

JF: Hi Abby, how’ve you been doing lately?

AZ: Oh I’m ok, just been really busy. {Bites her nails} Finals are coming up around the corner, and I need to buckle down to get all of my projects, papers, and finally, some studying done.

JF: Where will you go to study and prepare for finals week?

AZ: I’ll probably get most of it covered in my apartment.

JF: Will you do any of it in the library?

AZ: Only if my roommates get really loud while I’m trying to work. Come to think of it, maybe I’ll spend a few extra hours there. That way I’m not going to have extra distractions {sighed}

JF: Keeping on the same topic, what’s the most popular legend you’ve heard about the library?

AZ: The first thing that comes to mind is that the library’s sinking.

JF: Tell me about it.

AZ: I think it’s something every freshman hears right off the bat. I doubt it’s actually sinking, but I think every person keeps saying otherwise so that the rumor stays alive. You know?

JF: Yes, and why do you want to keep it alive on campus?

AZ: Because it’s just something that makes IU’s history rich. If a funny legend can stay alive over many, many decades, then it makes students feel more connected to its past and future.

JF: So true- thanks for taking time out to talk with me Abby!

AZ: No problem, Jack.


Contributor: Jackie Faine

Informant(s): Abby Zale

Members of the Audience: Abby and myself

Semester/Year: Fall 2005

Location: The Starbucks off of Indiana

Title: No Sturdy Ground