
Contributor: Elise

Informant: Brittany Kepler

Tag: Edna

Semester/Year: Fall/2005

“There was once this little girl named Edna who was walking back from school. And each day on her walk home she would pass the cemetery and see its beautiful flowers on the graves. On the day of the tragic accident Edna decided she wanted to go back, take some flowers to her mother. Edna was much too young to realize the significance of the flowers. So after she had taken the flowers she was about to cross the road and she didn’t bother to look both ways before she crossed. So when she was almost halfway across the road she was struck by an oncoming car. The driver got out to check on the person they had hit. As soon as the driver reached Edna she let out a blood curdling scream. The driver realized she had hit her own daughter. Some say the accident was caused by the dead so they could get their revenge. Others say that if you drive by the cemetery on the eve of Edna’s death you can still hear her mother screaming.”


The third informants name is Brittany Kepler and she has lived in Central Indiana her whole life. The interview was conducted in the lounge of our dorm at night. She is currently a freshman at Indiana University and is originally from Avon, Indiana. The story was told to her by a friend’s father at a sleepover.