Consider Yourself

Rush Song from Gamma Phi Beta

“Consider Yourself”

Consider yourself at home, consider yourself in the family,

We’ve taken to you so strong, its clear we’re going to get along.

Consider yourself well in, consider yourself part of the furniture.

There isn’t a lot of space, who cares what ever we got, we share.

Nobody tries to be la-de-da and uppity, there’s a cup of tea for all

We’ve a sisterhood devoted to each other, we’re quick to answer any call.

Consider yourself our mate, we don’t want to have no fuss.

For after some consideration, we can state, “Consider yourself one of us.”


This rush song was my favorite out of all of the rush songs I found because it helped me realize that the members of the sororities really act like a family. They take a chance when picking members to become part of their family. They keep most of their secrets by not writing too much of their information down and passing these traditions down orally. It is a very unique system in that not only do they succeed but they help one another to become successful as well.