Graffiti Around Campus

Item 2: Graffiti Around Campus
Location: Bloomington Indiana and Indiana University Campus

Context: Much of this graffiti was found in various places around town. Just about everywhere you look you can find graffiti, which is an artistic outlet for those who want to express themselves artistically as well as politically. The artists of these drawings are unknown. I found the graffiti shown below on North Walnut and on 11th Street.

Much of this graffiti shows tagging by the artist, but some are meant to make a political statement. Graffiti is an outlet for the artist to express him or herself without having to face the repercussions of being outspoken or artistic. Some of these, like the tags are done with multiple layering of different styles and textures of spray paint, are really detailed and intricate. The picture of the smiling face was very simply done, made to look like permanent marker but really done with black spay paint. This one is a simple work, but I think it says a lot — it gives off just a very chill mood, and a don’t worry be happy feel.